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Prenup Lawyers Brisbane: Protecting Your Assets with a Prenuptial Agreement

A prenuptial agreement, commonly known as a prenup, is a vital legal tool for couples looking to protect their financial assets before entering into marriage. In Brisbane, prenuptial agreements are increasingly sought after by individuals who want to safeguard their property, financial resources, or protect children from previous relationships. At Cudmore Legal, our experienced prenup lawyers specialise in drafting and reviewing prenuptial agreements that comply with the Family Law Act and help you navigate the complex legal landscape.

What is a Prenuptial Agreement?

A prenuptial agreement (prenup) is a legally binding financial agreement made before marriage that outlines how assets, liabilities, and financial resources will be distributed if the relationship ends. These agreements are critical for avoiding disputes related to property settlement, spousal maintenance, and child support in the event of a separation or divorce. Under the Family Law Act 1975, prenuptial agreements must meet stringent legal requirements to be upheld by the court.

Prenuptial agreements are not limited to married couples. You can also enter into a Binding Financial Agreement (BFA) before or during a de facto relationship to outline how your finances will be handled if the relationship breaks down.

Key Elements Covered in a Prenuptial Agreement:

  • Property Settlement: Who gets what assets, such as real estate, bank accounts, investments, and personal property.
  • Spousal Maintenance: Whether one party will pay spousal support to the other after separation.
  • Debt Allocation: How liabilities, such as mortgages, credit card debts, and personal loans, will be handled.
  • Protection of Inheritance: How inherited assets will be treated in the event of separation.
  • Superannuation: Clarifying entitlements to superannuation funds.

Why Enter Into a Prenuptial Agreement?

Prenups are designed to provide peace of mind and financial security. There are many reasons why individuals and couples opt for this type of agreement, including:

1. Protection of Pre-existing Assets

If you own substantial assets before entering into the relationship, such as a family business, real estate, or investments, a prenup ensures that these assets remain yours in the event of a separation. This is particularly important when one party brings significantly more wealth into the relationship than the other.

2. Safeguarding Children from Previous Relationships

For individuals with children from previous relationships, a prenup ensures that their financial interests are protected. The agreement can specify how assets will be distributed to ensure that your children’s inheritance is safeguarded, regardless of what happens in the current relationship.

3. Reducing Disputes and Legal Battles

By clearly outlining how assets and finances will be handled, a prenup reduces the likelihood of costly and time-consuming disputes in the Family Court. It allows couples to opt-out of the default legal processes, providing certainty and clarity.

4. Estate Planning

Prenuptial agreements can work in conjunction with your estate plan to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes. This is especially useful for individuals who want to ensure their estate passes to specific beneficiaries.

5. Protecting Business Interests

If you are a business owner, a prenup can protect your business from being divided during a separation. This ensures that your business remains operational and that your partner doesn’t acquire a stake in it unless explicitly agreed upon.

Legal Requirements for a Valid Prenuptial Agreement

In order for a prenuptial agreement to be legally enforceable, it must comply with the strict requirements set out in the Family Law Act 1975. These requirements include:

  • Independent Legal Advice: Both parties must obtain independent legal advice from separate lawyers regarding the advantages, disadvantages, and effects of the agreement.
  • Written Agreement: The prenup must be in writing, clearly outlining the financial arrangements and division of assets.
  • Certification: Both parties’ lawyers must sign a certificate confirming that independent legal advice was provided.
  • Full Disclosure: Both parties must fully disclose all assets, liabilities, and financial resources. Failing to do so may result in the agreement being set aside by the court.

Can a Prenuptial Agreement Be Overturned?

While prenuptial agreements are legally binding, they are not immune from being overturned by the court under certain circumstances. Prenups can be challenged in situations such as:

1. Coercion or Duress

If one party was forced or pressured into signing the agreement, the court may declare it invalid. This often arises when there is unequal bargaining power between the parties, for example, if one party has significantly more resources than the other and uses this to pressure the other into signing.

2. Fraud or Non-Disclosure

If a party fails to disclose all of their assets or financial resources, the agreement may be set aside on the grounds of fraud or incomplete disclosure. Transparency is essential for the agreement to be legally binding.

3. Significant Changes in Circumstances

The court may set aside a prenup if there have been significant changes in circumstances, such as the birth of a child, which render the agreement unfair or impractical.

4. Unfairness or Unconscionability

If the agreement is deemed grossly unfair or if one party was at a significant disadvantage at the time of signing, the court may intervene and set aside the agreement. Learn more about over tuning a prenuptial agreement here.

Benefits of a Prenuptial Agreement

Entering into a prenuptial agreement has several advantages, including:

  • Opting out of Family Court jurisdiction on financial matters.
  • Asset protection: Safeguarding assets from being divided in the event of separation.
  • Preserving wealth for children from previous relationships.
  • Certainty and peace of mind: Clarifying financial arrangements and reducing the risk of future disputes.

Disadvantages of a Prenuptial Agreement

However, there are also potential downsides to prenups, including:

  • No fairness requirement: The agreement does not need to be fair, which may lead to one party receiving less than what they might be entitled to through the court process.
  • No consideration of intangible contributions: Prenups may overlook non-financial contributions, such as homemaking or caregiving.
  • Frequent updates: Changes in circumstances, such as having children, may necessitate updates to the agreement, which can be costly and time-consuming.

Costs of a Prenuptial Agreement

Due to the technical and legal complexities involved in drafting a prenuptial agreement, the costs can be significant. Typically, the cost of a prenup can range into the thousands, especially when both parties must receive independent legal advice to ensure the agreement is valid and enforceable. However, investing in a properly drafted agreement can save both time and money in the long run by avoiding future disputes.

Prenuptial Legal Advice: Why Choose Cudmore Legal?

At Cudmore Legal, our team of experienced prenup lawyers can assist with drafting, reviewing, or providing advice on prenuptial agreements. We will help you understand the advantages and disadvantages based on your individual circumstances and ensure that the agreement is fair, legally compliant, and tailored to your needs.

We take the time to:

  • Explain the legal implications of the agreement.
  • Ensure full disclosure of assets and liabilities from both parties.
  • Draft clear and comprehensive terms that protect your financial interests.
  • Provide independent legal advice to ensure the agreement is enforceable.

Contact Cudmore Legal Today for Prenup Advice

If you’re considering entering into a prenuptial agreement,  contact Cudmore Legal today. Our team of prenup lawyers can provide legal advice tailored to your unique situation. We ensure that your agreement is robust, legally binding, and protects your financial future.

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04:44 13 Jun 22
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Prenup Lawyers Brisbane FAQs

Should I get a prenuptial agreement?

Whether or not you and your partner should enter into a prenuptial agreement depends on your circumstances. Our family lawyers will sometimes advise against them. If you want prenuptial agreement advice, we offer consultations for family law matters; you can request one here.

What assets can be included in a prenuptial agreement?

A prenuptial agreement can include various types of assets such as real estate, bank accounts, investments, businesses, and personal property. It can also cover future earnings and any potential inheritances. The aim is to protect these assets in case of a separation or divorce.

Can a prenuptial agreement be modified after marriage?

Yes, a prenuptial agreement can be modified after marriage through a postnuptial agreement. Both parties must agree to the changes, and the new agreement must meet the same legal requirements as the original prenuptial agreement, including independent legal advice for both parties.

What happens if one party does not comply with the prenuptial agreement?

If one party does not comply with the prenuptial agreement, the other party can seek enforcement through the courts. The court will review the agreement and determine whether it is fair and legally binding under the Family Law Act before enforcing its terms.

Are prenuptial agreements enforceable in Australia?

Yes, prenuptial agreements are enforceable in Australia as long as they meet the requirements outlined in the Family Law Act. This includes full disclosure of assets, independent legal advice for both parties, and the agreement being fair and reasonable at the time it was made.

Can a prenuptial agreement include provisions for child custody and support?

No, prenuptial agreements cannot include provisions for child custody and support. These matters are determined by the courts based on the best interests of the child at the time of separation or divorce. Prenuptial agreements focus on financial matters and property settlements.

How long does it take to prepare a prenuptial agreement?

The time it takes to prepare a prenuptial agreement can vary depending on the complexity of the couple’s financial situation and the level of negotiation required. Generally, it can take a few weeks to several months to draft, review, and finalise the agreement.

Do both parties need to have separate lawyers for a prenuptial agreement?

Yes, for a prenuptial agreement to be legally binding, both parties must seek independent legal advice from separate lawyers. This ensures that each party fully understands their rights and the implications of the agreement, preventing claims of coercion or unfairness.

What if my partner and I have unequal financial situations?

When there is a significant disparity in financial situations, it is even more crucial to have a prenuptial agreement. The agreement can help ensure that both parties’ interests are protected and that there is a clear understanding of how assets and finances will be managed during and after the marriage.

Can a prenuptial agreement be contested in court?

Yes, a prenuptial agreement can be contested in court if there are grounds to believe that it was entered into under duress, fraud, or undue influence, or if it does not meet the legal requirements of the Family Law Act. The court will evaluate the fairness and validity of the agreement before making a decision.

How much does it cost to get a prenuptial agreement?

The cost of a prenuptial agreement can vary widely depending on the complexity of the couple’s financial situation and the amount of negotiation required. Typically, the cost can range from several thousand dollars upwards. It is important to consider these costs and obtain proper legal advice to ensure the agreement is valid and enforceable.

Does a family trust protect assets in a divorce?

In Australia, whether a family trust protects assets in a divorce depends on various factors and the specific circumstances of the case. While family trusts can be useful in asset protection, especially when established and managed appropriately, they are not foolproof in divorce proceedings. 

Courts have the authority to look beyond the legal ownership of assets and consider the trust’s structure, purpose, and how assets are used or distributed. If a trust is deemed to have been established or operated primarily to defeat or frustrate a spouse’s claim in a divorce, the court may view the trust assets as part of the marital property pool subject to division. Therefore, while family trusts can offer some degree of protection, individuals should seek legal advice from experienced family lawyers in Brisbane to understand the effectiveness of their trust structure and how it may be viewed in the context of divorce proceedings.

Protecting assets from new partner

One question we are often asked, particularly from those that have already been through the family law system, is ‘how can I protect my assets from my new partner?’

While a binding financial agreement is often the answer, you have another option, to become familiar with the family law system. If you are familiar with the family law system and how property/financial settlements are structured, you can structure your relationship with your new partner to minimise financial risk.

When can a new partner apply for a family law property settlement?

It’s important to know when a new partner has a right to apply for a property settlement, as until they have a right to apply for a property settlement, your assets are theoretically protected.

It’s important to note, your new partner can apply for a family law property settlement that includes your assets, even if you aren’t married. As long as you live in a genuine de facto relationship, your assets are not protected from your new partner.

There is a myth that you must be living together for two years to be considered a genuine de facto relationship. While it is partially true; a family law property settlement claim can also be made, if:

  • You have children together; or
  • Have registered the relationship; or 
  • One person has made significant contributions; or 
  • Another circumstance exists where it would be unjust not to do a property settlement.

Therefore if any of the above applies to you and your new partner, even if you haven’t been together for two years, your new partner may apply for a property settlement.

So what happens to property owned before marriage in Australia?

If a right to a property settlement does arise, it might shock you that your initial assets (the property you brought into the relationship) are not automatically excluded from the property settlement. And as mentioned above, it doesn’t matter whether you are married or not if a genuine de-facto relationship exists, a property settlement can be done.

When deciding a property settlement split, both parties’ assets, whether owned jointly or separately, are combined to create a separation property pool. If no binding financial agreement is in place that states otherwise, the property settlement may include any property owned before marriage.

Protecting assets in de facto relationships

If all of your assets can be included in a property settlement and your partner has or will likely have the right to a property settlement, how can you protect assets in a de facto relationship? 

While you can do all sort of financial things, set up trusts, move money or hide money overseas, the reality is – all property is included in a family law settlement. Courts can see through trusts, hiding assets overseas isn’t usually a great idea and moving money into someone else’s name comes with its risks. The reality is the best way to protect your assets in a new relationship is usually to enter into a binding financial agreement. However, depending on your situation, you can try to make minor modifications in your relationship to protect your assets without a binding financial agreement. 

Option 1 – Protecting assets in a de facto relationship with binding financial agreements

A binding financial agreement isn’t only applicable if you are about to become married or de facto. You can enter into a binding financial agreement at any time during a sexual relationship, during marriage and even after a relationship (de facto or marriage) has ended. 

A binding financial agreement means you agree with how your financial resources, assets, and liabilities are divided upon a split. Therefore, if the binding financial agreement covers your current assets, in the event of a separation, your new partner will not be able to claim these assets if they have signed that agreement unless the court decides to set the agreement aside (you can read more about that here).  

Option 2 – Protecting assets in a de facto relationship without a binding financial agreement

Although we recommend a binding financial agreement, it might be possible to protect your assets differently. In 2016, the Family Court decided in Chancellor v McCoy that even after a 27 year de facto relationship, there were no adjustments made to the division of the property between the parties. This meant that they each walked away with the property and superannuation that was in their respective names. The couple had no children, had never co-owned any properties and never intermingled their finances.   

Using this case as precedent, if there is no binding financial agreement in place, a court will likely consider the following factors when deciding whether your partner would have a claim in an adjustment to the property pool:  

  • Whether you had any joint bank accounts; 
  • Whether you keep your finances separate;  
  • Whether you co-owned any assets; 
  • Whether your partner lived with you in a property you owned, and they paid you only an amount equivalent to rent or board and did not otherwise contribute to the property; 
  • Whether you discuss your financial affairs with one another; 
  • Whether you made any future financial plans together; 
  • Whenever you nominated each other as a potential beneficiary in a Will or superannuation fund. 

How to protect the family home from my new partner

People will often have a house or home from a previous relationship that is the family home. Clients will often come to us concerned about protecting the family home; our advice is that the family home is like any other assets and will likely be included in the family law property settlement. If you want to protect your house from your new partner, the best way would be to enter a cohabitation agreement, a type of binding financial agreement. In this agreement, you should set out the basis upon which you live together and the extent to which you intend to share assets both during the relationship and what you agree is to happen in separation. 

However, just because you have an agreement in place doesn’t necessarily mean your partner still can’t claim in the event of separation. Therefore, it is still best to keep separate finances and even go so far to ensure that your partner does not contribute to the house, financially or otherwise. This means that if your partner is living with you, ensure that they only pay you rent or board in the amount any other tenant would pay and does not pay any more than that amount or contribute towards other bills or mortgage repayments. However, additional to that is to ensure that they don’t contribute non-financially through renovation, cleaning, gardening, and cooking. If your partner does do some of these things, it doesn’t automatically entitle them to these things; it shows an intention to share a life, not a property. However, it could mean they are entitled to an adjustment of the property pool, and your house may not be protected in separation.   

You have other options, including putting the home in a trust or gifting it as an early inheritance. Ultimately, no matter what you do, it will likely be seen as a financial resource and included in some way, shape or form in the property settlement. Therefore your best option is usually a binding financial agreement/cohabitation agreement. 

While we recommend it, one should note that not even a binding financial agreement is rock solid. If you have a binding financial agreement in place, should circumstances or assets change, or should other factors be at play, it may not protect your assets in a new relationship. Additionally, not having a binding financial agreement and simply separating your bank accounts or lives may not be enough. If you want to protect your assets in a new relationship, you should seek independent legal advice from a family lawyer as soon as practical. Learn more about protecting assets from a new partner here.

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